Brandi Glanville Responds To Claims She Grabbed Caroline Manzo By The Pussy

PHOTO: Bravo
Just when you thought this drama couldn't get any wilder...
Last week, we reported on Brandi Glanville being kicked off The Real Housewives: Ultimate Girls Trip after trying to kiss Caroline Manzo, however, now it seems like "kissing" was only the tip of the iceberg with this situation.
According to Page Six, Brandi not only "touched [Caroline's] breast area and vaginal area" over the clothes while on their Morocco vacation but she also shoved her tongue down her throat. To set the scene, the group were partying in a private home while filming when Brandi, Caroline, Alex McCord and an unknown fourth cast member went to the bathroom together.
While in the bathroom Brandi, who would've drank enough that night to put a small winery out of business, decided to lock the door and (allegedly) “pinned Caroline against the wall" before she touched Manzo's "breast and vaginal areas".
Wow. Brandi really pulled a Trump and tried to grab Mama Manzo by the pussy in the bathroom. This tea is insane and seems way too bizarre to be true but somehow it is?! Are we getting Punked?
Apparently, Alex noticed Caroline was uncomfortable with Brandi trying to finger-blast her in the bathroom, so she unlocked the door so the NJ OG could leave. Page Six reported that Glanville "appeared drunk during the incident" which is as unnecessary as reporting the Pope to be Catholic. If Brandi wasn't drunk during the debacle, then it would be something to write about.
Unfortunately, because the "incident" occurred in the bathroom there is no footage of it, however, the women's mics were still on so there's audio of the altercation.
Apparently, the crew members who listened to the audio found it "disturbing" which is horrible for Caroline and everyone involved but amazing for the viewers. I'm not making light of Caroline being sexually assaulted but we as Bravo fans are essentially ambulance chasers so anything traumatising for Bravo talent is usually great for us at home. Yes, we are terrible people.
Following the incident, Brandi, of course, apologised via text the next morning but was later moved to a different hotel and sent home early before Caroline left the trip on her own accord.
Cast and crew members were interviewed about the situation and sources tell the outlet the internal Bravo investigation has already been completed. I'm not exactly sure what that means. Will they edit it out? Will they publicly denounce Brandi? I'm confused about what the point of an investigation is if there's no outcome.
Bravo and Peacock released a statement saying:
“The safety and security of cast and crew while shooting is extremely important and we take all reports seriously. In this situation, production immediately launched a comprehensive review and is taking appropriate action.”
Following the Page Six article coming out, Brandi took to Twitter to say "check your sources" which doesn't really mean anything at this point.

Brandi Glanville is my favourite Housewife of all time but obviously, you can't go around kissing people and grabbing their vaginas without any consent. It's not funny, it's not cute and it's definitely not a good look to get blackout drunk and act like this at 50 years old.
This entire saga is more fucked up than a redneck's relationship with their cousin but I'm trying to reserve all judgement until we see everything play out when the show eventually airs.
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