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Police Involved After Wendy Williams' Husband Accused Of Poisoning Her

What the fuck is happening?

Just when you thought Kevin Hunter couldn’t possibly get any worse he gets accused of poisoning his soon to be ex wife after, you know, impregnating his mistress.

The police were called to Wendy Williams and her husband’s home in January after they received an “anonymous” tip from someone who works for Wendy’s production company. The caller wouldn’t give up any contact information but claimed he was slipping Wendy poison.

When the police rocked up Wendy was still on bed rest during her hiatus for “Graves’ disease complications” which turned out to be her relapse. Big Kev wouldn’t let them in the home, however, after they wouldn’t budge Kevin finally allowed them in where they found the talk show host with a blanket on from head to toe.

Both Wendy and Kevin both denied any kind of abuse and when the police asked to speak to Wendy by herself, the cheater turned gold digger wouldn’t leave his wife alone with police. Has he seen Dateline? Doesn't he know being a controlling asshole only makes you more of a suspect?

Apparently Wendy cried when the police questioned her about her then husband poisoning her but at least she made it out alive and managed to divorce the rodent of a human being who goes by the name Kevin Hunter.

Do we think it’s a coincidence this news from January broke as soon as Wendy filed for divorce and was seen out with a mystery man on Easter Sunday? Nope but I don’t expect anything less from the queen of shade and if she didn’t leak it herself you know she got Norman to do her dirty work. I am HERE for single Wendy!

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