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Shade of the Week: Kenya Moore

She is the ultimate shade queen. Normally my Shade of the Weeks are dedicated to trash talking a reality star who's acted like an asshole, however, sometimes on the odd occasion I like to dedicate it to someone who has committed the ultimate shade worthy act in the last week which I admire and this is one of those weeks.

I love Kenya Moore and she is one of the best Housewives we've ever seen on any franchise. Yes, she acted as a villain for most of her tenure but she stirred shit up and gave us a reason to watch. Without Kenya what would've happened for seasons five through to ten? She always came to play and fought with literally every cast member she had on the show, I respect that and whether you love Miss Twirl or hate her, no one can argue that she's good TV. Last season she was a little watered down, she did feud with Kim Zolciak and her ignorant party city wigs but for the most part, she stayed out of the drama with the other ladies, but that doesn't mean she wasn't fighting with the show's producers.

Production was pissed that Kenya secretly got married off camera which was shady to do. She dedicated her life to a reality television show for the last five seasons and then decided to plan a wedding off camera with a man we never met, it was cunty to do and basically fucked up her entire reality TV career. The producers were mad which caused her numerous hot mic moments last season and was the real reason behind her ditching the Barcelona trip. Although they placed her on the end of the reunion couch, which is the worst thing you can do to a bitch that's used to sitting right next to Andy, I thought Kenya's pregnancy announcement and reading skills at the reunion secured her a spot on season eleven but we plan and God laughs.

The producers did ask Kenya back for this season but with a major pay cut due to her off camera wedding the season before. I'm sad that Kenya didn't take the offer but I'm happy because she shouldn't have to lower her standards and get paid peanuts when she was going to show us her pregnancy storyline. Who wouldn't want to watch Kenya and her mystery man prepare for her baby as well as fight with the ladies? Can you imagine a pregnant Kenya running her mouth to the other girls? It would've been iconic, especially considering that Porsha is also expecting. But obviously, Bravo believed a newbie hood rat and Eva's wedding would be better TV. Kenya is thirsty to be back on the show.

She hung out with Kandi, Porsha and Cynthia to try and prove she's real friends with the girls off camera and was taunting Bravo all the way through filming with her Instagram. Kenya knows exactly what she was doing and only ended up filming for one party that may or may not even be shown. Kenya tried to endlessly insinuate that she had dozens of reality TV show offers to feel her pregnancy but I don't see her on WeTV or VH1? She was probably holding out for Bravo to finally give in to her but they never did. There's probably also a bunch of legal mumbo jumbo in her old contract which prohibits her and the baby from taking their thirsty ways to another network.

This week Kenya committed the ultimate shadeworthy act and I am here for it. She gave birth to her baby early on the PREMIERE DAY of RHOA and just hearing the news was more entertaining than the entire episode. She stole the spotlight away from the show which treated her like trash and I'm obsessed with it. She probably broke her own water just to have the baby on premiere day and that's not shade, it's praise. If getting attention were a sport Kenya would have three gold medals to prove it. Miss Twirl is the queen of shade and she even proved it with the birth of her child, can Kenya do anything without it being shady? Her wedding was shady, the way she announced her pregnancy was shady, the pregnancy itself was shady and even her birth was shady. I am proud of Mrs Daly and I hope her behaviour makes Bravo crawl back.

Her birth shade is so delicious. Let's hope she releases the first photos of the baby during the finale episode and has the christening as the reunion is airing. The show is definitely missing Kenya's energy, she had a shady yet upbeat attitude that's absent from the group, everybody is getting along and no one really stands out amongst the pack. Eva and her monotone voice are boring and I don't have high hopes for Shamari who looks like she's going to give us all a headache with her wannabe extra ways. For the two seasons NeNe was off, Kenya was the glue holding the show together and it doesn't feel right not having her around and personally it's going to make me have a negative vibe towards the show for the rest of the season. I've never gotten over Brandi Glanville's absence and I don't think I'll get over this one. You can't have chips without salsa and you can't have The Real Housewives of Atlanta without Kenya Moore.

We've seen Kenya go through countless boyfriends on the show, which all the girls thought she paid, deal with her mother not wanting a relationship to her, the rocky relationship with her dad, declare she's gone with the wind fabulous, build Moore Manor, fight with every single person on the cast, get dragged on the floor at the reunion and now she's finally in a loving relationship with a newborn baby girl. Kenya finally has the happily ever after she's always wanted and I'm genuinely happy for her. Kenya's time on the show was nothing short of iconic and she never failed to provide us with entertainment. Her presence is definitely going to be missed this season and let's hope Bravo feels it too because we need Kenya Moore and her ashy feet back for season twelve.

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