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Emily Simpson's Husband Shane Accused of Abuse & Drug Use In Custody Battle

What a mess!

If The Real Housewives of Orange County full of shit talking and messy editing surrounding the Simpsons marriage isn't enough to cause drama between them then maybe the added stress of Radar Online spilling their ten year old dirt will.

Emily Simpson and her husband Shane Simpson's relationship has had a rough run on reality TV but it looks like it's getting even rougher.

The shady media outlet obtained court documents from Shane's previous divorce where his ex wife Miriam accused him of sexual, physical and emotional abuse as well as drug use. Either this is true tea or Miriam is one vengeful bitch.

In the documents she alleged the stress from the abuse and his prescription drug use caused her so much stress on her health that she almost died. She originally stated in the files:

“He used and took prescription medications of others to quell his habit,” Miriam alleged. “He made me feel trapped and hopeless as a result of excessive control and lack of liberties placed upon me…Because of all the aforementioned abuse, stress, and circumstances, I became physically ill after months of diagnostic tests, blood transfusions, and other medical procedures, not only was I diagnosed with blood disorders caused by stress, my body was what seems to be near death and I had no choice but to leave.”​

Can Mormons even use prescription pills?

However, Shane claimed she actually fled to Utah with their children and wouldn't tell him where they were so he filed for custody in order to even see his kids again.

“In November 2007, Mother [Miriam] went to Utah with our children for the Thanksgiving weekend and never returned to California,” Shane said in his declaration. “She filed for a dissolution of our marriage. At that time, Mother refused to allow me visitation with our children. For approximately one month after she moved to Utah, I did not know where our children were and was not allowed to visit with them.”

Shane was ordered to pay $3,000 childs support and now has 50/50 custody of the children they share. An "inside source" which probably means Emily or Shane or even the Budget Mama Elsa told Radar Online:

“This was years ago, and this is all behind them,” the insider insisted. “They all get along great now.”

How can you get along well with a person who accused you of literally raping her as well as almost killing her due to stress? Hey, he just might be the most forgiving person ever in the world, he is a Mormon!

After this story was published Emily clapped back in an Instagram comment saying all those allegations were made during their CUSTODY battle and not the divorce which is shady as fuck on Miriam's part, but I guess it didn't work because they now both have 50/50 custody.

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