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JD Madison Accused Of Rape

What the Pill Cosby is going on?

After it was revealed Thomas Ravenel (allegedly) sexually assaulted TWO women that we know of earlier this year, his friend and former part time Southern Charm co-star JD Madison's potenially sexually abusive ways have been revealed.

Media outlet FITSNews has obtained police documents from a Charleston police department which accuse JD of rape, assault and involuntary drugging. The woman decided not to make her name public but detailed what happened between the two.

JD and his friend Jay Schwartz came to the unidentified woman's house with another female on August 21st, so this rape situation is recent. You would think JD would've learned maybe not drug and/or rape women after his friend lost his reality TV career and what was left of his reputation over it, but I guess not.

According to the documents, the victim believes the two men (JD and Jay) smashed a glass on purpose to distract her while they slipped drugs into their drinks. After consuming the drinks she claimed she fell in and out of consciousness and woke up to him “forcibly raping and sodomizing her" in the early hours of the next morning, only stopping when his wife Elizabeth Madison called him.

That is probably the only thing that could make this situation any more disgusting.

On August 22nd, only hours after this incident had taken place, JD's accomplice Jay was arrested by police on drug possession charges. He was with the same woman from the night before at the time of the arrest and she was taken to a hospital.

Sure, he's innocent until proven guilty but JD and his cheating ways were found guilty in the court of public opinion a LONG time ago! Birds of a feather really DO flock together. The good 'ole boys club is going down one pig at a time and I am salivating watching this justice get partially served. Who's next?

Thoughts? Sound off in the comments!

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