Vicki Gunvalson & Her Son-In-Law Shade Each Other On Instagram (Again)

The passive aggression is real when Vicki Gunvalson drinks and Instagrams.
It seems like not everyone was having a good Fourth of July when the OG of the OC was scrolling through Instagram and saw that her son-in-law had posted (another) photo with his family and her ex-husband Donn Gunvalson. Donn visits his step daughter's family A LOT since they've moved to North Carolina, as evidenced by Ryan's Instagram feed.

Obviously, Vicki got pissed when she saw them celebrating 4th of July and posting photos with Donn so she took to the comments and left a very passive aggressive message. Couldn't she have rage texted Briana and not let the whole world see:

Not only did she leave that nuggest of shade but Miss Gunvalson also replied to comments on the post and showed everyone she has even more passive aggression stored up against Ryan's Donn-centric posts. Yup. Pretty messy:

Finally, Ryan stepped in and threw shade back at his mother-in-law, asking her to "stop drunk posting drama on his page."

The holidays haven't been the best for Vicki and her son-in-law Ryan's relationship with each other. On Mother's Day he accused her of ignoring her grandkids and then she blocked him and also Good Tea for reporting the story. And yes, I added myself into that little family anecdote. Let's just hope Thanksgiving will be better for the Gunvalson/Culberson clan.
What do you think about their latest online brawl? Sound off in the comments!