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CNN New Year's Eve With Andy Cohen Was An Epic Failure!

Happy New Year Tea Drinkers!

Kathy Griffin must be rolling around laughing in her Calabasas mansion right about now. After her Trump mask photo went very, very wrong she was fired from the CNN New Year's Eve show and Andy Cohen was brought in as her replacement and completely bombed!

Andy and Anderson Cooper bragged about their "new and improved" New Year's Eve show and it proved to be an epic fail. Fans all over Twitter expressed how bored they were with the Bravo star and his constant need to reference the "Housewives" franchise. I love myself a housewife but CNN's viewers probably aren't as inclined. Know your audience boo!

Although the two gay men maintain that they've never hooked up, Andy kept awkwardly low-key flirting with Anderson and complaining about the cold weather. It's New York in December, of course it's cold. It was SO comfortable and boring that I had to switch over to ABC in the first couple of minutes. Ryan Seacrest knows how to deliver.

Andy also managed to offend Nicole Kidman when he asked her about her odd clapping at the Oscars and she replied “I wish there were more important things for people to focus on." It was a pretty fucking random question considering the Oscars were almost a year ago.

If all that wasn't enough to make you turn the channel, he also started talking about Mariah Carey's performance on ABC which is weird considering she was on a competing network. SMH.

He also asked Celine Dion about Lady Gaga's upcoming Las Vegas residency and Anderson told him not to ask Celine about other singers.

After four and a half hours of broadcast Andy Cohen managed to over reference the housewives, complain about the cold, offend Nicole Kidman and Celine Dion and talk about a competing network's better show. Bring Kathy back CNN! We needed that loveable redhead in our New Year's festivities again!

What did you think about Andy's performance? Sound off in the comments!

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